Our flagship studio 1
United Studios’ flagship studio and the first in the studio complex. For years it serves the top TV shows on the Israeli TV programming , including the local versions of “American Idol”, “So you think you can dance”, “Who Wants to be a Millionaire”, “Iron Chef”, “Sesame Street” as well as for original Israeli shows like “Wonderful Country”, “Yair Lapid,” “the Late Night Show”, “Yatzpan,” and more… The excellent technical specs, nearby service areas, massive prop warehouse and convenient and comfortable work space combine to make this the first choice of most production companies when looking for a home for their biggest productions.
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Grid height : 12.10 m
Studio length (wall to wall): 30 m
Studio width (wall to wall): 25 mLength from cyc to cyc: 25m
Width from cyc to cyc : 21 m
Set entrance door (emergency exit) height: 3.44 m
Set entrance door width: 4.05 m
Audience entrance door height: 2 x 2.10 m
Audience entrance door width: 1.18 m
Southern emergency exit door height: 1.97 m
Southern emergency exit door width: 1.04 m
Grandstands: length: 1 m, width 3.67, each stand opens
fully to 10 m
On the right are the basic technical specifications for studio 1 control room. The accessories are listed either by the maximum amount (where the words “up to” appear) or the basic specs of the studio. Other accessories can of course be added (such as effects, remote control cams, video servers, etc.) or exchanged with others (such as recording formats, character generators, etc.).
The United studios work in conjunction with the leading Israeli companies which provide services such as overhead cams and grip equipment, lighting effects, stage and audience amplification and projection equipment. The control room and the studio space can easily be combined if necessary. Complete detailed specs are available on request.
Control Room – studio 1 (HD SDI)
Up to 10 SONY HSC-100R HD-SDI cameras
HD SDI mixing switcher – Sony MVS 6530
Quartz routing matrix (64X64)
Digital sound console – 96-channel Digidesign (D-Show)
Metus INJEST recording system
Video server – GV’s T2
Character generator – Inscriber Title One
WinPlus teleprompter
With its brand new FULL HD control room, studio 2 is now the most popular small – medium studio for every need. Its street-level location, convenient connections to gas, water and sewage systems, and especially the adjacent lounge which easily converts into a back-kitchen, has made it the first choice of Israeli cooking show producers and chefs, the digital 96 channels sound console makes it a great choice for small music shows and large lounge that serves as a waiting area for parents makes it home for a lot of the kids shows for all channels.
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Grid height: 4.17 m
Studio length (wall to wall): 14.00 m
Studio width (wall to wall): 8.45 m
Length from cyc to cyc: 11.50m
Width from cyc to cyc: 7.45 m
Set entrance door height: 2.20 m
Set entrance door width: 2.15 m
Emergency exit height: 2.05 m
Emergency exit width: 1.43 m
On the right are the basic technical specifications for studio 2 control room. The accessories are listed either by the maximum amount (where the words “up to” appear) or the basic specs of the studio. Other accessories can of course be added (such as effects, remote control cams, video servers, etc.) or exchanged with others (such as recording formats, subtitle inscriber, etc.).
The United studios work in conjunction with the leading Israeli companies which provide services such as overhead cams and grip equipment, effects lighting, stage and audience amplification and projection equipment.
The control room and the studio space can easily be combined if necessary.
Complete detailed specs are available on request.
Control room- Studio 2 (HD-SDI)
Up to 5 SONY HSC-100R HD-SDI cameras
HD SDI mixing switcher – Sony MVS 6530
Evertz routing system (32X32)
Digital Sound console – 48-channel Digidesign (Profile)
Video server – GV’s T2
Metus INJEST recording system
CG – Inscriber G1 (HD) \ ISCRIBER Extreme (SD)
Computerized teleprompter
The newest shooting space among the studios. A warehouse that was converted into a studio using state-of-the-art acoustic components – silicate blocks – which give it both excellent acoustic isolation and a unique look which the many productions filmed here take advantage of. Its dimensions have made it popular for pre-prime game shows, as a supplementary space for mega-productions in Studio 1, and the perfect space for small dramas and sitcoms.
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Grid height: 4.75 m
Studio length (wall to wall): 22.80 m
Studio width (wall to wall): 15.5 m
Length from cyc to cyc: 21 m
Width from cyc to cyc: 14.10m
Set entrance door height: 3.06 m
Set entrance door width: 2.00 m
Emergency exit height: 2.05 m
Emergency exit width: 1.60 m
2 grandstands
hold 100 people
Grandstand dimensions:
length: 1 m
width: 3.67 m
each opens fully to 10 m
There is no specific control room for studio 3.
All other specified control rooms could be used.
Two small studios combined into one, making it a uniquely shaped space. Best used when more than one set needs to be built or when its unusual shape can be turned to advantage. The prop warehouse, located just outside the studio doors, makes it easy to change sets, even while shooting is taking place. The renewed control room with HD ready wiring and display gives a great working environment and flexibility to all production technical needs.
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Studio 4
Grid height: 3.56 m
Studio length(wall to wall): 10.80 m
Studio width (wall to wall): 6.5 m (8.47 m)
Length from cyc to cyc: 10 m
Width from cyc to cyc: 5.90 m
Set entrance door height: 2.55 m
Set entrance door width: 1.68 m
Emergency exit height: 1.90 m
Emergency exit width: .81 m
Studio 5
Grid height: 3.21 m
Studio length (wall to wall): 8.76 m
Studio width (wall to wall): 6.10 m
Length from cyc to cyc: 5.10 m
Width from cyc to cyc: 14.10m
Set entrance door height: 2.20 m
Set entrance door width: 1.70 m
Emergency exit height: 1.06 m
Emergency exit width: 2.05 m
There is an elevator
Elevator door height: 2.20 m
All dimensions are from wall to wall
Elevator shaft interior: height – 2.60 m
depth – 2.60 m
width – 1.65 m
On the right are the basic technical specifications for studios 4/5 control room. The accessories are listed either by the maximum amount (where the words “up to” appear) or the basic specs of the studio. Other accessories can of course be added (such as effects, remote control cams, video servers, etc.) or exchanged with others (such as recording formats, subtitle inscriber, etc.).
The United studios work in conjunction with the leading Israeli companies which provide services such as overhead cams and grip equipment, effects lighting, stage and audience amplification and projection equipment.
The control room and the studio space can easily be combined if necessary.
Complete detailed specs are available on request.
Control room- Studios 4 (HD-SDI)
Up to 5 SONY HSC-100R HD-SDI cameras
HD SDI mixing switcher – Sony MVS 3000A
Quartz routing matrix
Sound console – 18 channels
Video server – GV’s T2
Metus INJEST recording system
Character generator – Inscriber Title One
WinPlus teleprompter
Studio 6’s control room was recently upgraded and it is now able to perform in FULL HD as well. This studio is the most popular medium-sized studio and it was built especially for daily talk shows, and in fact for years has been the home of the most watched daily show in Israel (Yatzpan’s). The adjacent rooms provide a space for writers, production teams and actors under one roof, thus making the shooting day run more efficiently.
In addition to talk shows, the studio is also used for game shows and dramas in conjunction with another studio.


Grid height: 5.95 m
Studio length (wall to wall): 16.00 m
Studio width (wall to wall): 18.20 m
Length from cyc to cyc: 14.00 m
Width from cyc to cyc: 16.00 m
Set entrance door height: 3.20 m
Set entrance door width: 4.00 m
Emergency exit height: 1.60 m
Emergency exit width: 2.05 m
2 grandstands
hold 100 people
The grandstands have stairs at the sides
Grandstand measurements:
length: 1 m
width: 3.67 m
each opens fully to 10 m
On the right are the basic technical specifications for studio 6 control room. The accessories are listed either by the maximum amount (where the words “up to” appear) or the basic specs of the studio. Other accessories can of course be added (such as effects, remote control cams, video servers, etc.) or exchanged with others (such as recording formats, subtitle inscriber, etc.).
The United studios work in conjunction with the leading Israeli companies which provide services such as overhead cams and grip equipment, effects lighting, stage and audience amplification and projection equipment.
The control room and the studio space can easily be combined if necessary.
Complete detailed specs are available on request.
Control Room – studio 6 (HD SDI)
Up to 7 SONY HSC-100R HD-SDI cameras
Switcher – Ross Carbonite 2ME
24 Inputs 8 Outputs
8 DVE’s
6 Internal Format Convert/Frame Synchronizer
Total Number of KEYs – 8
2 Professional Led Sony 55“ for Multi Viewer
Ross Video Glue
Studer 928 Sound console 40 Channel mono 4ch stereo
Black Magic 40X40 Hub Matrix
Metus INJEST recording system
Video server – GV’s T2
Character generator – Inscriber Title One
WinPlus Teleprompter
When it comes to small sitcoms, entertainment shows or intimate talk shows, Studio 7 is the first choice for those in-between programs – small shows with a big budget or big shows with a small budget. The modern control rooms, separated by double glazing, allow for convenient, unimpeded eye contact between crew members, together with a new LCD display controlled by a multi-viewer and a lot of extra.


Grid height: 4.21 m
Studio length (wall to wall): 10.50 m
Studio width (wall to wall): 13.00 m
Length from cyc to cyc: 8.7 m
Width from cyc to cyc: 12.50 m
Audience entrance length: 1.65 m
Audience entrance height: 2.00 m
Elevator interior height: 2.60 m
Elevator interior depth: 2.60 m
Elevator door width: 1.65 m
Elevator door height: 1.65 m
Emergency exit height: 1.17 m
Emergency exit width: .70 m
There is an elevator
On the right are the basic technical specifications for studio 7control room. The accessories are listed either by the maximum amount (where the words “up to” appear) or the basic specs of the studio. Other accessories can of course be added (such as effects, remote control cams, video servers, etc.) or exchanged with others (such as recording formats, subtitle inscriber, etc.).
The United studios work in conjunction with the leading Israeli companies which provide services such as overhead cams and grip equipment, effects lighting, stage and audience amplification and projection equipment.
The control room and the studio space can easily be combined if necessary.
Complete detailed specs are available on request.
Control Room- studio 7 (HD-SDI)
Up to 5 SONY HSC-100R HD-SDI cameras
HD SDI mixing switcher – Sony MVS 6530
Metus INJEST recording system
Sound console – 32-channel Studer
Video server – GV’s T2 and K2
Character generator – Inscriber Title One
WinPlus teleprompter
A small, intimate space – a great choice for small lifestyle programs or one-on-one talk shows’ and even cooking shows on a shoestring budget. Double-glazed windows on the southern side of the studio let in natural, more homey and less studio-ish light, without compromising sound quality.
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Grid height: 2.81 m
Studio length (wall to wall): 12.10 m
Studio width (wall to wall): 7 m
Set entrance door height: 2.10 m
Set entrance door width: 2.00 m
Emergency exit height: 2.10 m
Emergency exit width: .90 m
There is no specific control room for studio 8
All other specified control rooms could be used.